Representable Expandable Extension Build Status

This gem is an extension on top of Representable which allows us to by default exclude properties/collections from representables and explicitly include them by setting right option on Representable.


Add following line to your Gemfile

gem 'representable-expandable'


You can make a collection Expandable by includeing Representable::Expandable in your Representable and set expandable: true for your expandable properties/colloections. Here is a sample:

module MessageRepresenter
  include Roar::JSON
  include Expandable

  property :id
  property :subject
  property :body, expandable: true
  collection :attachments, extend: AttachmentRepresenter, class: Attachment, expandable: true

In the above example attachments are expandable which means by default they won't get rendered in MessageRepresenter. In order to explicitly add them to representer we need to set expand options of representer using to_json method:

message = 'test', subject: 'test subject', body: 'test body', attachments: ['1', '2'])
message.extend(MessageRepresenter).to_json(expand: ['attachments'])

Note that expand gets an array as input.


Please create a Github issue once you find any issue or had any requests.


Special thanks to @joeyAghion


Please see LICENSE for licensing details.