Repres Dosser 领域特定语意表现引擎

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Repres (REsource PRESentation) is a series of resource presentation engines. The Dosser (DOmain-Specific SEmantic Representation) resource presentation engine includes JSON and XML resource presentation templates. Repres (资源表现)是一系列的资源表现引擎。Dosser (领域特定语意表现) 资源表现引擎包括JSON和XML表现模版。

Why Use Repres Dosser

Dosser pre-defined some glossaries for RESTful Web API, which follows the Template Method design pattern. Dosser 预定义了一些适用于 RESTful Web API 的词汇,并且采用了“模版方法”设计模式。

Recent Update

Check out the Road Map to find out what's the next. Check out the Change Log to find out what's new.

Usage in Gemfile

gem 'repres-dosser'

Include the Concern in Controllers & Respond the Calls

include Repres::Dosser::Concerns::ResourcePresentation

def index
  self.criteria = { page: params[:page] }
  render_ok collection: [ { name: 'Topbit' }, { name: 'Roland' } ]

The following responding methods are supported:

  • 200 render_ok
  • 201 render_created
  • 202 render_accepted
  • 204 render_no_content
  • 400 render_bad_request
  • 401 render_unauthorized
  • 403 render_forbidden
  • 404 render_not_found
  • 409 render_conflict
  • 500 render_internal_server_error

The Resource Presentation supports JSONP automatically. Which means GET /resources/id.json returns a standard JSON:

  "success": true,
  "code":    "success",
  "message": "成功",
  "size":    1,
  "errors":  {},
      "name": "My Name",
      "links": []
    "criteria":   null,
    "request_id": "54fc3aa3-d062-4bad-b544-a08c7df5ef0c",
    "timestamp":  1479114866

If a callback parameter is given as GET /resources/id.js?callback=onResourceLoaded, the following JSON is returned:

    "success": true,
    "code":    "success",
    "message": "成功",
    "size":    1,
    "errors":  {},
        "name": "My Name",
        "links": []
      "criteria":   null,
      "request_id": "54fc3aa3-d062-4bad-b544-a08c7df5ef0c",
      "timestamp":  1479114866


include Repres::Dosser::Concerns::ResourcePresentation

paginate total_items: 108, per_page: 10, current_page: 2
# The pagination will be added into the meta of the response body.
onIndexResourceSuccess: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
  var pagination = data.meta.pagination;'Here are '+pagination.total_items+' items totally.');'Ideally '+pagination.per_page+' items on each page.');'The current page is '+pagination.current_page+'.');
  // If the required current_page is greater than the total_pages, the current_page is changed to be equal the total_pages.
  // If the required current_page is less than 1, the current_page is changed to 1. The current_page starts from 1.'Here are '+pagination.total_pages+' pages totally.');'Here are '+pagination.items_on_current_pages+' items on the current page.');'The item index is from '+pagination.min_item_on_current_page+' to '+pagination.max_item_on_current_page+' on the current page.');


Platform generator

rails generate repres:dosser:platform administration --version 2

This will insert the following routings into the config/routes.rb file:

scope '/administration-api/v2', module: 'administration/dosser/v2', as: 'administration_dosser_v2' do
  resources :portals, only: :show

and create the following files:


Swagger generator

rails generate repres:dosser:swagger administration --version 2

This will call the following command:

rails generate repres:dosser:platform administration --version 2

before insert the swagger_engine & the latest repres-dosser gem into the Gemfile file and will create the following file:


RSpec examples

# spec/models/unidom_spec.rb
require 'repres/dosser/models_rspec'

# spec/types/unidom_spec.rb
require 'repres/dosser/types_rspec'

# spec/validators/unidom_spec.rb
require 'repres/dosser/validators_rspec'