Repctl - Manage Replication among a set of SQL Servers

repctl is a utility to configure, reconfigure, start, stop, crash, generate workloads, dump, restore, benchmark, and monitor a set of SQL servers for development environments. Replication relationships can be set up among server instances with a single command. While running a load generator or benchmark, the replication status, including current lag, can be seen in a continuously updated display. A slave can be added to an existing server that already has data.

The repctl gem includes a Thor script that makes all the repctl functionality available at the command line.


Currently only MySQL is supported but PostgresSQL will soon be added. All the server instances must run on a single host. This restriction may be soon lifted as well.


You will need to have a local installation installation of MySQL. You do not need to do anything to configure the installation. For example, if you compile MySQL from source, then do make install, then you are done! No MySQL post-installation steps are necessary. All post-install configuration is handled by repctl.

You will need to set an environment variable REPCTL_CONFIG_DIR in your shell so that repctl can find the configuration files it needs.

The top

== Available Commands

tethys:repctl mbs$ thor list
thor mysql:change_master MASTER SLAVE FILE POSITION  # Execute CHANGE MASTER TO on the SLAVE.
thor mysql:cluster_user INSTANCE                     # Create the cluster user account on a MySQL instance.
thor mysql:config INSTANCE                           # Initialize the data directory for a new instance.
thor mysql:config_all                                # Initialize the data directories for all instances.           
thor mysql:crash INSTANCE                            # Crash a running MySQL server.
thor mysql:dump INSTANCE [DUMPFILE]                  # Dump all databases after FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK             
thor mysql:repl_user INSTANCE                        # Create the replication user account on a MySQL insta...
thor mysql:reset INSTANCE                            # Remove database and restart MySQL server.
thor mysql:reset_all                                 # Remove all databases and restart MySQL instances.          
thor mysql:restore INSTANCE [DUMPFILE]               # Restore INSTANCE from a 'mysqldump' file DUMPFILE.
thor mysql:start_slave SLAVE                         # Issue START SLAVE on the SLAVE MySQL instance.
thor mysql:status                                    # Show the status of replication.
thor mysql:stop INSTANCE                             # Stop a running MySQL server instance.
thor mysql:stop_all                                  # Stop all the MySQL servers.

thor setup:add_slave MASTER SLAVE  # Master has some data that is used to initialize the slave.
thor setup:repl_pair MASTER SLAVE  # Set up a single master/slave replication pair from the very beginning.

thor utils:bench [INSTANCE] [PROPS]                  # Run the Tungsten Bristlecone benchmarker. The INSTAN...
thor utils:create_db [INSTANCE] [DBNAME]             #  "Create a database on a MySQL instance. INSTANCE de...
thor utils:create_tbl [INSTANCE] [DBNAME] [TBLNAME]  #  Create a database table. INSTANCE defaults to DEFAU...
thor utils:gen_rows [INSTANCE], [DBNAME], [TBLNAME]  #  Add rows to a table that was created by "utils:crea...

== Configuring Simple Repctl

This tool needs some configuration before you can use it.

You should have an valid MySQL installation and the Thor gem installed. Your existing MySQL server will not be affected by the +repctl+ script. However, binaries from this installation will be reused. In the +config.rb+ file set the constants:

  • MYSQL_HOME -- the location of the local MySQL installation
  • DATA_HOME -- the location of the directory where per-MySQL server data directories are created.
  • DUMP_DIR -- the location where you want dump files to be stored
  • RELAY_LOG -- adjust this according to your hostname

Next, define the potential instances you want to create. Edit the servers.yml file as appropriate.

Finally, edit the existing my*.cnf* files to at least have the correct datadir defined.

== Using Simple Repctl

You are now ready to rock. Run thor mysql:start_all to start up all the servers listed in your +servers.yml+ file. Instead or subsequently, you can run thor setup:repl_pair 1 2 to reset everything and create a master/slave replication pair. Start up some load to the MySQL master (at socket +/tmp/mysql1.sock+, by default), then watch the replication status change by running thor mysql:status -s 1 2 -c 5 to see a continuous update of the status, updated every 5 seconds. Add a new slave using instance +3+, which may or may not be running and may or may not have its data directory initialized, by running thor setup:add_slave 1 3. This does a dump on the master and a restore on the slave and restarts replication using the proper replication coordinates.