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rentlinx_client is a ruby wrapper for the RentLinx API.


To install from the command line, run:

gem install rentlinx

To include in a rails app, include this line in your gemfile:

gem 'rentlinx'


Configure like so:

Rentlinx.configure do |rentlinx|
  rentlinx.username ENV['RENTLINX_USERNAME']
  rentlinx.password ENV['RENTLINX_PASSWORD']
  rentlinx.site_url ''
  rentlinx.log_level :error

For all endpoints, attributes are defined by the API:


prop = # creates = '' # updates

prop = Property.from_id('property-id') # fetches

Objects can be created for all endpoints supported by the Rentlinx API, including Units, Amenities, Photos, and Links. For more detailed information, see the full documentation on rubygems.

Contributing and development

Pull requests are welcome for this gem. New features require writing new tests. A pull request be considered for merging once:

  • New features are tested
  • All tests pass on Travis CI
  • The code coverage reported by Coveralls does not decrease without reason

Testing: Code style

Travis CI runs two test suites. The first suite performs a style check with the tool rubocop. To run rubocop locally first make sure you have the necessary tools:

bundle install

Then, run rubocop across the project's files:


Not all rubocop's rules are set in stone, so once you are receiving only warnings testing rules that may not make sense, please comment on your pull request indicating you think the rules should be adjusted with your reasoning.


All new classes, modules, and public methods should be documented in the style of yard. Modified classes and methods should have their documentation updated accordingly. Tests do not need documentation.

Testing: Unit tests

The second suite is running minitest. The simplest way to invoke our minitest suite is via:


The default rake task actually maps to rake test. Additionally individual test files can be executed via:

ruby -Ilib:test test/FILENAME.rb

Source released under the Simplified BSD License.

Copyright (c), 2015, AppFolio, Inc