
This is a set of libraries and dependencies which allow you to quickly spin up a RabbitMQ powered Email/Notification Service as part of a (S)ervice (O)riented (A)rchitechture.


To implement this gem it is necessary to implement the client-server RenoteDac configuration either manually or by installing the renote_dac_client gem

RenoteDac is the subscriber end of a pub/sub notification service thats been extracted for use as a gem. The publisher app publish messages to a RabbitMQ exchange which then pushes the messages to a queue.

The remote Email/Notification service (consumer) uses a pool of workers to pull messages from the RabbitMQ queue and process them into the consumer service database. From there a worker will pull un-sent messages from the database and push them via the postmarks api in batches for delivery.

The postmark response is recorded on the email error column. Email records are left in database as a log.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'renote_dac'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install renote_dac

to generate an initializer and database.yml file run:

$ rails g renote_dac:install

then bundle again because you have a clean newly generated Gemfile

bundle install

to copy migration into app run:

$ rake renote_dac:install:migrations

run migrations:

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

Starting Sneakers workers

first run:

export WORKERS=ServiceQueueWorker

then run:

rake sneakers:run



run the following rake task to

  • increment version
  • delete old '.gem' files
  • build fresh gem
  • commit & push with version message

rake app:renote_dac:deploy



add the 'config' gem to your application. Add the following line to your gemfile

gme 'config'

run rails g config:install to generate the proper file structure in ./config folder to hold your application settings.

add the following to the production.yml and development.yml files inside the ./config/settings folder


  api_token: 'dev-api-key-here'


  api_token: ENV['POSTMARK_API_TOKEN']

Add your api token to your renote_dac initializer.

  c.postmark_api_key = Settings.postmark.api_token


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.