Remote Http Testing

This module helps write integration tests which make HTTP requests to remote servers. Unlike Rack::Test, it doesn't make requests to an in-process Rack server. It uses Net::HTTP for making requests.


To use it, mix it in to your test case, specify the server your integration test is talking to, and begin making requests.

require "remote_http_testing"

class MyServiceIntegrationTest < Scope::TestCase

  # This is the server all HTTP requests will be made to.
  def server

  setup_once do

  should "return a '401 Unauthorized' response when unaunthenticated" do
    get "/users/123/profile"
    assert_status 401


These methods are available to your test.

delete(url, params)

get(url, params)

patch(url, params)

post(url, params)

put(url, params)

last_response() - a Net::HTTPResponse object. Use last_response.body to get the response body.

dom_response() - The response body parsed using Nokogiri::HTML().

json_respones() - A hash of the response body, parsed using JSON.parse().

assert_status(status_code, optional_helpful_message)

ensure_reachable!(server_url, optional_server_display_name) - Exits if the given server is not reachable.


When working on this gem, after you've made changes, you can include your modified gem into any app which uses bundler by adding the :path option in your Gemfile:

gem "remote_http_testing", :path => "~/path/to/remote_http_testing_repo"

Then run bundle install from within your app. The installed gem is now symlinked to your local working copy of the gem.

To publish a new version of this gem, increment the version number in version.rb, and run rake release.