Remitano Ruby API Client

Feel free to fork, modify & redistribute under the MIT license.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'remitano'

Then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install remitano


Create API Key

Visit to create API key.

Get Authentiator secret

Visit to get your authenticator secret.

Note: This is needed to perform actions which need 2FA authentication like withdrawals, otherwise, you won't need it.

Setup Remitano client

Remitano::Client.default_key = YOUR_API_KEY
Remitano::Client.default_secret = YOUR_API_SECRET
Remitano::Client.default_authenticator_secret = YOUR_AUTHENTICATOR_SECRET
Remitano::Client.default # => the default client


client =
  key: YOUR_API_KEY,
  secret: YOUR_API_SECRET,
  authenticator_secret: YOUR_AUTHENTICATOR_SECRET,

Payment gateway

Visit - Merchant section for more information.


Get charge with remitano id
Create charge
  1. With coin currency Note: For now, we only support usdt as the price coin currency. ruby client.merchant_charges.create( coin_currency: "usdt", coin_amount: 10.99, cancelled_or_completed_callback_url: "", # optional description: "Example charge" # optional )
  2. With fiat currency Note: We support fiat currency of 56 countries that Remitano are supporting, i.e., USD, AUD. (You could find entire list in our developer docs). ruby client.merchant_charges.create( fiat_currency: "AUD", fiat_amount: 10.99, cancelled_or_completed_callback_url: "", # optional description: "Example charge" # optional )
Get paginated charge list
  status: "completed", # optional
  page: 2, # optional
  per_page: 25 # optional


Get withdrawal with remitano id
Create withdrawal
  1. Withdraw to external coin address ruby client.merchant_withdrawals.create( merchant_withdrawal_ref: "akh9r1h29e1", # your withdrawal_ref, we won't process withdrawal if the same ref is submitted before coin_currency: "xrp", coin_amount: 10.99, receiver_pay_fee: true, # defines who will be charged for the withdrawal fee cancelled_or_completed_callback_url: "", # optional coin_address: "rLpumSZQNJ6Cve7hfQcdkG9rJbJhkSV8AD0", destination_tag: 1710676231 # optional, required when coin_currency is xrp )
  2. Withdraw to other remitano account ruby client.merchant_withdrawals.create( merchant_withdrawal_ref: "akh9r1h29e1", # your withdrawal_ref, we won't process withdrawal if the same ref is submitted before coin_currency: "xrp", coin_amount: 10.99, receiver_pay_fee: true, cancelled_or_completed_callback_url: "", remitano_username: "receiver123", remitano_phone_number: "+234 1 123 4567" ) ##### Get paginated withdrawal list ruby client.merchant_withdrawals.list( status: "completed", # optional page: 2, # optional per_page: 25 # optional )



Whenever a charge is changed to completed or cancelled in our system:

  • we will send a POST request to charge.cancelled_or_completed_callback_url with remitano_id param.
  • if user is still on our site, we will also redirect user to object.cancelled_or_completed_callback_url with remitano_id param (GET request).

After receiving these callbacks, you could call client.merchant_charges.get(params[:remitano_id]) to get the updated information and process accordingly.


Whenever a withdrawal is changed to completed or cancelled in our system:

  • we will send a POST request to withdrawal.cancelled_or_completed_callback_url with remitano_id param.

After receiving these callbacks, you could call client.merchant_withdrawals.get(params[:remitano_id]) to get the updated information and process accordingly.


When receiving non 200-299 http code, a Remitano::Client::Request::RequestError will be raised.

Sandbox testing

We have a Testnet at

You could register an account there, then submit a request at this google form with your Remidemo username, so we could help to setup your testing account as a merchant.

After that, you could start your sandbox testing by setting ENV["REMITANO_SANDBOX"] to "true".


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request