
We use this tool to create releases and their documentation. It makes versioned/numbered deployments easier to track. Would possibly be nice if there was an engine to display the release notes in a rails app as well.

Not quite one-click release, but getting there...


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'releasetool'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install releasetool


List existing tags

release list

Start the release -- generate release notes and update version file

release start

This will start a new patch verison, but you can start minor or major

release start --minor

release start --major

Or you can specify the new verison.

release start NEW_VERSION

All of these will use the most recent tag as the previous version. If you don't have a most recent tag, or you want to start from something else use:


Now edit the created release notes (release_notes/

Commit release notes

release commit

Currently this also commits config/initializers/00-version.rb as this is handy for our rails projects. Might move this out into a config (or make check for the existings of , but only if need this to span non-rails projects.

Create a named tag (for later reference using release list)

release tag

It will ask for a one-line summary of the release (full details are in the release notes)

Push commits and tag

release push


The tests work on a known-good repo stored in spec/fixtures/example_with_releases.tar. To recreate this:

cd spec/fixtures/example_with_releases && tar -xvf ../example_with_releases.tar  && cd -

then you can tweak it and save it back with:

cd spec/fixtures/example_with_releases && tar -cvf ../example_with_releases.tar . && cd -


If you want it to automatically update the version number in a string then set the environment variable RELEASETOOL_VERSION_FILE, eg. export RELEASETOOL_VERSION_FILE=./lib/releasetool.rb. By default this is configured to config/initializers/00-version.rb (useful for rails projects).


see testing above

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


For releasing the releasetool itself we need to set an environment variable export RELEASETOOL_VERSION_FILE=./lib/releasetool/version.rb

and after doing release push, we do rake release to release the gem