
Released is a release pipeline tool. It is a possible implementation of Nanoc RFC 8.


Released is experimental. It lacks features and is not stable. To track development, take a look at the GitHub projects for Released.


Example pipeline:

  - shell:
      command: bundle exec rake spec
  - shell:
      command: bundle exec rake rubocop
  - gem_built:
      name: released
      version: env!VERSION
  - gem_pushed:
      name: released
      version: env!VERSION
      authorization: |
        -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
        Comment: GPGTools -

        -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

Example output:

% released nanoc.yaml
*** Assessing goals…

gem pushed (released)… ok

*** Achieving goals…

shell (bundle exec rake spec)… ok (newly achieved)
shell (bundle exec rake rubocop)… ok (newly achieved)
gem built (released)… ok (newly achieved)
gem pushed (released)… ok (already achieved)

Finished! :)


Released’s philosophy is threefold:

  • idempotent: The tool should be able to be run multiple times for the same version, and steps that have already executed should not cause additional effects. For example, if publishing the gem succeeds, but pushing to GitHub fails, the tool should be able to be run again and pushing to GitHub should succeed without failing on the gem push step.

  • safe: If an erroneous condition arises, and continuing could lead to a broken release, the tool should abort. For example, if any of the pre-release verifications fail, the release should not continue.

  • resilient: If a release cannot be made properly due to a dependent service being unavailable, the tool should be able to retry the step, or skip it if the step is deemed to be optional.


Released has the following concepts:

  • pipeline
  • goal

The sections below elaborate on these concepts.


A goal expresses an individual desired end state. For example:

  • tests_passing: the tests are passing
  • style_checked: the style checks are passing
  • pkg_built: the Debian package is built
  • pkg_published: the Debian package is published
  • tweet_sent: the tweet about the release is sent

Goals are described in a passive voice (e.g. gem_built; “the gem has been built”) rather than in the imperative mood (e.g. build_gem; “build the gem”). This approach allows expressing what the end state is, rather than how to achieve it. This way, the release process is idempotent: re-running the release process when it has already succeeded before will leave everything as-is, as all goals have already been achieved.

When attempting to achieve a goal, Released will first assess the goal in order to determine whether the goal can realistically be obtained given the current circumstances. For example, when the goal is to have a Debian package published, the assessment would fail if no working credentials are available.

Released will take the necessary steps to achieve a given goal, but no more than that. If a goal is already achieved, no steps will be taken. It is therefore quite acceptable try to achieve a goal multiple times.

TODO: figure out difference between temporary/retriable failures (GitHub is down) and permanent/non-retriable ones (tests are failing)


A pipeline is a sequence of goals. Each goal will be executed in sequence, and a goal will only be executed if no previous goals have failed.

Pipeline file

Strings in pipeline.yaml will be replaced according the following rules:

  • Strings starting with env! will be replaced with the value of the environment variable whose name is everything after the exclamation mark. For example, version: env!VERSION will become version: 0.1.2 if the VERSION environment variable is set to 0.1.2.

  • Strings starting with sh! will be replaced with the output of the shell command following the exclamation mark. For example, version: sh!echo -n 0.1.2 will become version: 0.1.2.

  • Strings starting with -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- will be replaced with their content passed through gpg --decrypt.

Defining custom goal types

To define a custom goal type, subclass Released::Goal and give it an identifier:

class FileExists < Released::Goal
  identifier :file_exists

  def initialize(config)
    @filename = config.fetch('filename')
    @contents = config.fetch('contents')

  def try_achieve
    File.write(@filename, @contents)

  def achieved?
    File.file?(@filename) && == @contents

  def failure_reason
    if !File.file?(@filename)
      "file `#{@filename}` does not exist"
    elsif != @contents
      "file `#{@filename}` does not have the expected contents"
      "unknown reason"

Define the following methods:

  • initialize(config) — Initialize the goal with the given configuration. The configuration is a hash whose keys are strings (not symbols).

  • try_achieve — Perform any steps necessary to achieve the goal.

  • achieved? — Return true if the goal has been achieved, false otherwise. This method should not mutate state.

  • failure_reason — Return a string containing the reason why the goal was not achieved. This method should not mutate state.

You might want to implement the following methods as well:

  • effectful? — Return true if achieving the goal is effectful, i.e. is expected to cause a state change, false otherwise. For example, a gem_built goal is effectful, while a test_passed goal is not. The default is true.