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RelatonOgc is a Ruby gem that implements the IsoBibliographicItem model.

You can use it to retrieve metadata of OGC Standards from, and access such metadata through the OgcBibliographicItem object.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'relaton-ogc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install relaton-ogc


Search for a standard using keywords

require 'relaton_ogc'
=> true

hits ="OGC 19-025r1")
=> <RelatonOgc::HitCollection:0x007fcc8e085ba8 @ref=OGC 19-025r1 @fetched=false>

tem = hits[0].fetch
=> #<RelatonOgc::OgcBibliographicItem:0x007fcab3cb4758

XML serialization

=> "<bibitem id="19-025r1" type="standard">
      <title type="title-main" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Development of Spatial Data Infrastructures for Marine Data Management</title>
      <title type="main" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Development of Spatial Data Infrastructures for Marine Data Management</title>
      <uri type="obp"></uri>
      <docidentifier type="OGC">19-025r1</docidentifier>
      <date type="published">

With argument bibdata: true it ouputs XML wrapped by bibdata element and adds flavour ext element.

item.to_xml bibdata: true
=> "<bibdata type="standard">
      <title type="title-main" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Development of Spatial Data Infrastructures for Marine Data Management</title>
      <title type="main" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Development of Spatial Data Infrastructures for Marine Data Management</title>
      <uri type="obp"></uri>
      <docidentifier type="OGC">19-025r1</docidentifier>
      <date type="published\">

Get code, and year

RelatonOgc::OgcBibliography.get "OGC 19-025r1", "2019", {}
[relaton-ogc] ("OGC 19-025r1") fetching...
[relaton-ogc] ("OGC 19-025r1") found 19-025r1
=> #<RelatonOgc::OgcBibliographicItem:0x007fc322e9aba0

Create bibliographic item from XML

=> #<RelatonOgc::OgcBibliographicItem:0x007fc322ea82c8

Create bibliographic item from YAML

hash = YAML.load_file 'spec/fixtures/ogc_bib_item.yml'
=> {"id"=>"19-025r1",

bib_hash = RelatonOgc::HashConverter.hash_to_bib hash
=> {:id=>"19-025r1",
... bib_hash
=> #<RelatonOgc::OgcBibliographicItem:0x007fc322ef8548


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to [](


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](