Reindeer - Moose sugar in ruby

Takes Ruby's existing OO features and extends them with some sugar borrowed from Moose.


gem install reindeer


require 'reindeer'
class Point < Reindeer
  has :x, is: :rw, is_a: Integer
  has :y, is: :rw, is_a: Integer
class Point3D < Point
  has :z, is: :rw, is_a: Integer


These features are supported to a greater or less extent:


The build method can be used where one may have previously used initialize. It is called after all attributes have been setup so, laziness permitting, the object should be in a known state.

Another facet of this feature is that each build method is called in the inheritance chain from most-derived to least.


Declared with the alternative syntax has they provide additional functionality while still remaining pure Ruby attributes under the hood.

Their values can be passed to the new constructor in a hash where the symbolic keys map to attributes of the same. When a value is specified for a lazy attribute it obviates the laziness.

The following options are supported:

is (aka accessors)

Available in 3 flavours:

  • :ro
  • :rw
  • :bare

The first two provide accessors like attr_reader and attr_{reader,writer} combined. The third explicitly provides no accessors which can be useful when delegators are specified.

The default behaviour is :ro.

required (aka required attributes)

If specified with a true value then the attribute must be specified at build time. Additionally required attributes can't be lazy attributes.

default (aka default attribute values)

Can take either a value or something callable (e.g a Proc). If a value is provided it is cloned and if a callable is provided it is called without any arguments. The resulting value is used to populate the attribute if it wasn't provided to the constructor at object construction time or on first access if the attribute is lazy.

lazy (aka lazily evaluated)

Expects a Boolean and if true then the attribute's value isn't generated until it is accessed (if at all). If specified the attribute must also either have a builder or default specified otherwise an Reindeer::Meta::Attribute::AttributeError is thrown.


If passed true makes the attribute lazy and expects a private builder method of the same name as the attribute, but prefixed with build_, to be defined e.g given has :foo, lazy_build: true the private instance method build_foo should be defined. In addition clearer and predicate methods will be installed with the prefixes clear_ and has_ respectively e.g clear_foo! and has_foo?.

handles (aka delegation methods)

Given an array of symbols each one adds an instance method that delegates to a method of the same name on the attribute value.

type_of (aka type constraints)

Expects a class that composes the Reindeer::Role::TypeConstraint role. At the point a value is about set against an attribute it is checked against the type constraint, if valid then the value is set if not then an Reindeer::TypeConstraint::Invalid exception is raised.


These are implemented in terms of Module and act to serve a similar purpose. What they provide in addition to Module are required methods and the attributes described above.

To compose a role in a Reindeer class two expressions are required, with and meta.compose!, the former behaves like include and the latter brings in the role attributes and asserts the existence of any required methods e.g

module Breakable
  include Reindeer::Role
  has :is_broken, default: -> { false }
  requires :fix!

class Egg < Reindeer
  with Breakable

  def fix!
    throw :no_dice if is_broken


The .does? method can be used to inspect which roles have been consumed e.g Egg.does?(Breakable) == true.

For further elaboration on the subject of roles see the Moose::Manual::Roles documentation.

Class constraints and Type constraints

Given that Ruby has a well established class system one need only assert an attribute is of a given (existing) class a Reindeer will go to the trouble of asserting that when the attribute value is set e.g

class AccountSqlTable < Reindeer
  has :id,     is_a: Fixnum
  has :owner,  is_a: String
  has :amount, is_a: Float
  # ...

However if you need a specific type of class (e.g strings of a certain length) then a custom type constraint is needed. These can be defined simply by composing the Reindeer::Role::TypeConstraint and implementing a verify method e.g

class Varchar255 < Reindeer
  with Reindeer::Role::TypeConstraint
  def verify(v)
    v.length <= 255

class AccountSqlTable # continued from above
  has :summary, type_of: Varchar255

NB The distinction between class and type constraints seems apt at this point but is by no means set in stone. Hopefully the passage of time shall enlighten us on the matter.


Pull requests welcome.


Dan Brook <[email protected]>