Reggie B. – A Hex/RGB Color Converter


This is not the gem that you want. You want the full-featured “color” Ruby gem.

You’re still here? Okay, this is what this gem is all about:

Reggie B. is a utility for converting colors between rgb and hex format. It was created to support It is especially useful for handling CSS color formats.


ReggieB.convert "rgb(255, 255, 255)"     =>  "0xffffff"
ReggieB.convert "255, 255, 255"          =>  "0xffffff"
ReggieB.convert "rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)"  =>  "0xffffff"
ReggieB.convert "0xffffff"               =>  [255, 255, 255]
ReggieB.convert "#ffffff"                =>  [255, 255, 255]
ReggieB.convert "#fff"                   =>  [255, 255, 255]