Minimal Theme for Refinery CMS backend v1

A minimal backend theme for RefineryCMS.


How to use this with a Refinery CMS project

To set up a Refinery app from scratch, you'll need to install Refinery and create a new app:

gem install refinerycms
refinerycms new_project
cd new_project

Once you have a Refinery app created, add this gem to your GEMFILE:

gem 'refinerycms-minimalbackend'

Then, on your /config/initializers/refinery/core settings add:

config.register_stylesheet "refinerycms-minimal", :media => 'screen'


Add custom icons. Reduce use of !important in CSS. Improve documentation inside CSS. Improve consistency in screens. Fully test on IE.


1.0.2 Improved comments, added more styles.

1.0.1 Initial version