
Simple Ruby trees. Redwood is a simple implementation of a tree data structure in pure Ruby. It provides a few things:

  • The redwood command-line tool: like the Unix tree tool, but in Ruby!
  • The Redwood module for basic tree-esqueness.
  • Redwood::Node class for basic tree-nodiness
  • Redwood::FileNode class for representing Directories and Files in a tree-like way.

RDoc | Gem


gem install redwood


The redwood command-line tool attempts a pure Ruby implementation of tree.


Looks a bit like this:

|-- bin
|   `-- redwood
|-- Gemfile
|-- lib
|   |-- redwood
|   |   |-- filenode.rb
|   |   `-- node.rb
|   `-- redwood.rb
|-- pkg
|   `-- redwood-0.0.1.gem
|-- Rakefile
|-- redwood.gemspec
`-- test
    |-- helper.rb
    `-- test_redwood.rb

5 directories, 12 files

Help is a redwood --help away. See also: redwood(1)


The Redwood module is a module for including/extending tree-like features on your objects. It stores nodes in an Array. The only requirement for children is that they too include/extend tree-like features.

Methods include:

root?           ## Is this a root node? Meaning, it has no parent.
leaf?           ## Is this a leaf node? Meaning, is it without children?
root            ## Get the root node in this tree.
children        ## Get the children of this node.
siblings        ## Get this nodes siblings.
only_child?     ## Is this node without siblings?
has_children?   ## Does this node have children?
ancestors       ## All of the parent nodes of this node.
descendants     ## All of the descendant nodes of this node.
depth           ## Integer representing how deep this node is in the tree.
                ## A root node has a depth of 1, its children: 2, etc.
height          ## The length of this node to its furthest descendant.
                ## A leaf node has a height of 1.
unlink          ## Detach this node from its parent.
prune           ## Unlink all of this node's chidren.
graft           ## Add a node to this node's children.
walk            ## Recursively yield every node in this tree to a block
view            ## Make a fancy string representation of the tree
                ## as seen in the command-line tool


The Redwood::Node class is a simple implementation of the Redwood module. It is a good starting point for other trees. It adds new methods:

add_child(name)     ## Add a child node. Nodes can have a #name.
[](name)            ## Lookup children node by their #name.
<<(node)            ## Alias for `graft`.


The Redwood::FileNode class is an example use-case for Redwood, and it powers the redwood CLI. It stores a directory tree in a Redwood-backed structure. It has one primary method that does the magic:

dir = Redwood::FileNode.scandir '~/Projects/Redwood'

That will go through the directory and build a Redwood tree. Redwood::FileNode objects have methods that correspond to the File class. So you can do things like or dir.chmod.

Now go forth and grow some Ruby-flavored trees.

Redwood is Copyright (c) 2010 Mark Wunsch and is licensed under the MIT License.