Performe ActiveRecord cache in File System for heavy and repetitive query.


Copyright 2009 Redvex. Distributes under the same terms as Ruby

If you use this software, please make a donation


  • Perform any ActiveRecord Query

  • Set time of expire in database configuration

  • Obtain an Hash as u obtain from active record

  • Support for ActiveRecord shortcuts through (cache_find_first, cache_find_last, cache_find_all)



gem sources -a gem install redvex-ar_cache

Add in your config/enviroment.rb

config.gem “redvex-ar_cache”, :lib => ‘ar_cache’, :source => ‘

Use ActiveRecord Cache

If you want to perform a standard call using cache u can try

Object.cache_find(id, params)

EX. Object.cache_find(10)


Object.cache_find(:all, :conditions => [‘field>?’,5])

If you want to use an active record shortcuts you can:

Object.cache_find_first(params) Object.cache_find_last(params) Object.cache_find_all(params)


Object.cache_find_first Object.cache_find_last Object.cache_find_all(:conditions => [‘filed>?’, 5])

Cache reset

If you want to reset cache after predetermined amount of time you can specify time in database.yml config file through cache_expire directive:

cache_expire: 30.seconds cache_expire: 2.hours cache_expire: cache_expire: 1.month

If you want to force the expire the cache manually you can call the method

cache_reset(id, params=nil)

or shortcuts

cache_reset_first(params=nil) cache_reset_last(params=nil) cache_reset_all(params=nil)