Redshift Connector for Rails

redshift-connector is a Redshift bulk data connector for Rails (ActiveRecord).


Add following block to your Gemfile and bundle.

gem 'redshift-connector'

Add config/initializers/redshift-connector.rb like following:

module RedshiftConnector
  Exporter.default_data_source = Any_ActiveRecord_Class_Bound_To_Redshift

  S3Bucket.add('primary', default: true,
    region: 'YOUR_AWS_REGION_NAME',
    bucket: 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME',
    prefix: 'YOUR_PREFIX',
    iam_role: 'arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/RedshiftReadOnly'
    # For explicit S3 access, use following:
    # aws_access_key_id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    # aws_secret_access_key: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'


Fetching rows

RedshiftConnector.foreach(schema: 'app_mst', table: 'shops', query: 'select id, name from app_mst.shops') do |id, name|
  p [id, name]

schema and table is the source table name (written in the query). This method executes Redshift UNLOAD statement with given query and unload result to the intermediate S3, then read contents.