
Gem Version

Command-Line Interface for Redmine.

Why? Because web-browser + mouse sucks

I hate using Redmine web-interface. All these mouse moves and clicks... This CLI allows me to do some tasks much faster: I read issue descriptions and last comments right in the console.

It doesnt provide much functional so I need to open my browser sometimes, but for most of my tasks it fits well.


$ gem install redmine_cli


redmine help
redmine conf init
redmine issue list [user id]
redmine issue show <issue id>
redmine issue update <issue id> --comment --done 80  --status progress --time 00:30
redmine issue create

redmine user find vasya
redmine user find 123
redmine user find [email protected]

redmine project list
redmine project members 1
redmine project members trololo

Don't forget about console aliases! I use something like this:

# ~/.bashrc
# alias i='redmine issue'
# by the way, Thor can guess your commands so:

$ i s 123
$ i u --assign 'vasya pupkin'


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.