Redmine Airbrake Backend

This plugin provides the necessary API to use Redmine as an Airbrake backend.


Add this line to the Gemfile or Gemfile.local of your Redmine installation:

gem 'redmine_airbrake_backend'

And then execute:

$ bundle install
$ rake redmine:plugins:migrate

Alternate installation method

Please see for installation instructions.


  1. Enable REST web service authentication
  2. Create the following custom fields for issues:
    • Airbrake hash (String) (required)
    • Number of occurrences (Integer) (optional)
  3. Configure the plugin to use these 2 custom fields (Administration -> Plugins -> Airbrake -> Configure)
  4. Check if the custom fields are assigned to the trackers you want to use with airbrake
  5. Enable the project module (Airbrake) in your project settings (don't forget to add at least the Airbrake notice ID custom field to your project if it is not a global field)
  6. Configure additional defaults under the settings tab per project (Airbrake)
  7. Check if the user used for airbrake has a role with the Airbrake permission

Client configuration

For a Rails application add the airbrake gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'airbrake'

And configure it, e.g. with an initializer config/initializers/airbrake.rb:

Airbrake.configure do |c|
  c.project_id = 'redmine_project_identifier'
  c.project_key = {
      key:      'redmine_api_key', # the api key for a user which has permission to create issues in the project specified in the previous step
      tracker:  'Bug',             # the name or id of your desired tracker (optional if default is configured)
      category: 'Development',     # the name or id of a ticket category, optional
      priority: 5,                 # the name or id of the priority for new tickets, optional.
      assignee: 'admin'            # the login or id of a user the ticket should get assigned to by default, optional
    }.to_json = ''
  c.root_directory = Rails.root
  c.environment = 'production'
  c.performance_stats = false # Performance stats are not supported


Based on


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request