
Ruby evidence collect tool

Recot is a tool to gather evidence of the test.

Gem Version travis-ci


Create evidence document for test to easy.
Throw evidence(screen shots or file...) to specific folder for create evidence document.


Install the gem with:

gem install recot


To begin the test with the following command:

$ recot start
Start recot ver 0.1.1

    ____                  __
   / __ \___  _________  / /
  / /_/ / _ \/ ___/ __ \/ __/
 / _, _/  __/ /__/ /_/ / /
/_/ |_|\___/\___/\____/\__/

Enter the test number as follows:

[1](recot) > A1

Directory corresponding to the test number is created under __output/resources.

├── __output
│   └── resources
│       ├── A1

It threw the evidence to the basket directory.

It will be reflected in the HTML automatically.

├── __output
│   ├── index.html
│   └── resources
│       ├── A1
│       │   ├── access.log
│       │   └── screenshot.png
│       └── A1.html

access the 'http://localhost:9292/__output/index.html'

  • index.html img001

  • resource.html img002

If you want to delete the previous evidence, run the following command:

[2](recot) > cancle

If you want to delete all the evidence of the particular test number, run the following command:

[3](recot) > clear

If you want to test the end, run the following command:

[4](recot) > exit

If you want to delete all file and directory, run the following command:

[5](recot) > destroy



