
© 2007 - 2016 Sergio Cambra, Lance Ivy

RecordSelect is a Rails widget to help you pick one record out of many. I designed it as a more usable and performant alternative to generating a massive dropdown list. It relies on AJAX for the cooler uses (all the provided view helpers rely on JavaScript?) but can also function in a pure-http fashion (although multi-select support is provided in a pure-JavaScript implementation).

Please see the ActionView::Helpers::RecordSelectHelpers for the most common API. More documentation (and HOWTOs) can be found online at, and a demo application is available at


This depends on the excellent Paginator gem by Bruce Williams. This simple gem is available at

It should autoselect js framework, but you can select :jquery or :prototype framework with config/initializer file: RecordSelect::Config.js_framework = :jquery RecordSelect::Config.js_framework = :prototype