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Readthis is a drop in replacement for any ActiveSupport compliant cache, but emphasizes performance and simplicity. It takes some cues from Dalli (connection pooling), the popular Memcache client. Below are some performance comparisons against the only other notable redis cache implementation, redis-activesupport, which has been abandoned and doesn't actually comply to Rails 4.2 cache store behavior for fetch_multi.

Footprint & Performance

See Performance


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'readthis'


Use it the same way as any other ActiveSupport::Cache::Store. Within a rails environment config:

config.cache_store = :readthis_store, ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL'), {
  expires_in: 2.weeks,
  namespace: 'cache'

Otherwise you can use it anywhere, without any reliance on ActiveSupport:

require 'readthis'

cache ='REDIS_URL'), expires_in: 2.weeks)

You'll want to use a specific database for caching, just in case you need to clear the cache entirely. Appending a number between 0 and 15 will specify the redis database, which defaults to 0. For example, using database 2:



Compression can be enabled for all actions by passing the compress flag. By default all values greater than 1024k will be compressed automatically. If there is any content has not been stored with compression, or perhaps was compressed but is beneath the compression threshold, it will be passed through as is. This means it is safe to enable or change compression with an existing cache. There will be a decoding performance penalty in this case, but it should be minor.

config.cache_store = :readthis_store, ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL'), {
  compress: true,
  compression_threshold: 2.kilobytes


Readthis uses Ruby's Marshal module for dumping and loading all values by default. This isn't always the fastest option, depending on your use case it may be desirable to use a faster but more flexible marshaller.

Use Oj for JSON marshalling, extremely fast, limited types: Oj)

If you don't mind everything being a string then use the Passthrough marshal: Readthis::Passthrough)


Readthis supports all of standard cache methods except for the following:

  • cleanup - redis does this with ttl for us already
  • delete_matched - you really don't want to perform key matching operations in redis. They are linear time and only support basic globbing.