
Gem to easily use reCaptcha

Run tests with rake

Run console with preloaded library with rake console

Getting started

You first need to configure the gem.

ReCaptcha.configure do |config|
  config.private_key = "secret key"
  config.public_key  = "site key"

Other options are:

  • api_endpoint (default:
  • skipped_env (default: ['test', 'cucumber'])
  • language_table: the table to map locale with language code
  • deny_on_error: if the Google reCaptcha API can't be accessed, deny the verification (default: false)

The default language table is the following:

  'en-US' => 'en',
  'fr-FR' => 'fr',
  'es-ES' => 'es',
  'pt-PT' => 'pt-PT',
  'it-IT' => 'it',
  'en-GB' => 'en-GB',
  'de-DE' => 'de',
  'pt-BR' => 'pt-BR',
  'en-EU' => 'en-GB',
  'es-LA' => 'es-419',
  'zh-CN' => 'zh-CN',


To access the helpers in the views, make sure to include them in a Helper class such as ApplicationHelper (Rails)

module ApplicationHelper
  include ReCaptcha::Helper

Then include the script tag using this helper method in your view:

recaptcha_script(language: nil)

language is one of the locale defined in the language table.

You can now add the reCaptcha box in your forms:

recaptcha_tags(options = {})

The options are the following:

  • theme: 'light'
  • type: 'image'
  • size: 'normal'
  • tab_index: 0
  • callback: nil
  • expired_callback: nil

Check the reCaptcha doc for the available values (


Assuming that your application uses Rails, verify the reCaptcha response using the method below:

recaptcha_valid?(response, remote_ip: nil, model: nil, message: nil)

This method can be called like this in a controller: ReCaptcha.client.recaptcha_valid?(...)

The response should be retrieved with params.fetch(:"g-recaptcha-response", ""). Optional args model and message allow to add an error with the given message on the :base attr of the provided model.