RDO PostgreSQL Driver

This is the PostgreSQL driver for RDO—Ruby Data Objects.

Build Status

Refer to the RDO project README for usage information.

This driver cannot be used with PostgreSQL versions older than 7.4. Those versions are no longer supported by PostgreSQL in any case.


Via rubygems:

$ gem install rdo-postgres

Or add the following line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "rdo-postgres"

And install with Bundler:

$ bundle install


The registered URI schemes are postgres:// and postgresql://

require "rdo"
require "rdo-postgres"

conn = RDO.connect("postgres://user:pass@localhost/dbname?encoding=utf-8")

Alternatively, give the driver name as "postgres" or "postgresql" in an options Hash.

conn = RDO.connect(
  driver:    "postgresql",
  host:      "localhost",
  user:      "user",
  passsword: "pass",
  database:  "dbname",
  encoding:  "utf-8"

Type Support

If not listed below, the String form of the value will be returned. The currently mapped types are:

  • NULL -> nil
  • BOOLEAN -> TrueClass/FalseClass
  • TEXT -> String
  • VARCHAR -> String
  • CHAR -> String
  • BYTEA -> String
  • INTEGER -> Fixnum
  • INT2 -> Fixnum
  • INT4 -> Fixnum
  • INT8 -> Fixnum
  • FLOAT/REAL -> Float
  • FLOAT4 -> Float
  • FLOAT8 -> Float
  • NUMERIC/DECIMAL -> BigDecimal
  • DATE -> Date
  • TIMESTAMP -> DateTime (in the system time zone)
  • TIMESTAMPTZ -> DateTime (in the specified time zone)

All n-dimensional Arrays of the above listed are supported. Support for custom-typed Arrays is coming.

Bind parameters support

PostgreSQL uses $1, $2 etc for bind parameters. RDO uses '?'. You can use either, but you cannot mix both styles in the same query, or you will get errors.

These are ok:

conn.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE banned = ? AND created_at > ?", true, 1.week.ago)
conn.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE banned = $1 AND created_at > $2", true, 1.week.ago)

This is not ok:

conn.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE banned = $1 AND created_at > ?", true, 1.week.ago)


If you find any bugs, please send a pull request if you think you can fix it, or file in an issue in the issue tracker.

I'm particulary interested in patches surrounding support for arrays of custom types, such as ENUMs (this is done by reading from pg_type, in an efficient manner).

When sending pull requests, please use topic branches—don't send a pull request from the master branch of your fork, as that may change unintentionally.

Contributors will be credited in this README.

Written by Chris Corbyn.

Licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for full details.