
RDaux creates beautiful documentation websites from markdown files. It is inspired by daux.io and uses redcarpet with pygments.rb to process github-flavored markdown files into beautiful documentation websites and supports ASCII art with help of Ditaa.


RDaux is a rubygem, install it by running the following in your shell:

> gem install rdaux


RDaux requires Python 2.5+ for Pygments and Java 1.5+ for ditaa. Make sure those tools are installed and available in the $PATH


After RDaux has been installed, you can begin using it from your cli:

> rdaux -h
Usage: rdaux [--version] [--help] command [options] [args]

Available rdaux commands are:
  serve      Dynamically serve html documentation from a given directory
  generate   Generates static html site using docs from given directory

Common options:
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version

As you can see, RDaux can dynamically serve documentation from your markdown sources or it can generate a static documentation website. You can determine options available to each subcommand by running:

> rdaux <subcommand> -h|--help