RBuild - a KBuild like software configure/build system by Ruby DSL.

– Introduction –

Rbuild is a KBuild like configure/build system, like KBuild, RBuild provide a menu driven configure interface for target software. RBuild take ‘RConfig’ files as input, generate target software configuration files by RBuild plugins, for example, the ‘export_c’ plugin generate C/C++ header config.h and Makefiles.

A RConfig’s syntax looks more like KConfig, plus lots of ruby flavors. Since RConfig file actually is a ruby script, it could be very flexiable and powerful.

– RConfig –

All RConfig instructions falls into four catalogs:

- organizing: 'menu', 'group'
- configuration: 'choice', 'config'
- property: 'title', 'default', 'help', 'range', 'depends', 'select', 'unselect' and 'property'
- file inclusion: 'source'

A Simple RConfig example:

title “Welcom to my software config system !” menu “Package config” do config :PACKAGE_A => “enable package A” group “Package A options” do depends :PACKAGE_A config :PACKAGE_A_FUN_A => “function A” config :PACKAGE_A_FUN_B => “function B” end config :PACKAGE_B => “enable package B” choice :PACKAGE_B_PARAM => “select package B param” do depends :PACKAGE_B default 200 range 100, 200, 300 end end menu “RBuild Configuration” do

group "RBuild System Options" do
  choice :RBUILD_SYS_CONFIG_FILE => "RBuild Configuration File" do
    property :no_export    # do not export this, it's for rbuild system internal.
    default 'rb.config'

  choice :RBUILD_PLUGIN_EXP_C_HEADER_FILE => "RBuild Export File" do
    property :no_export     # do not export this, it's for rbuild system internal.
    default 'config.h'


Please have a look the RConfig file under ‘example’ folder, it almost explains everything about RConfig DSL.

– Install –

  1. Install Ruby interpreter (www.ruby-lang.org)

  2. Copy ‘scripts’ directory into your target software package

  3. Write your ‘RConfig’ files

  4. Create a ‘Rakefile’ as:

    require 'scripts/rbuild'
    task :menuconfig do
      rconf = RBuild::RConfig.new 'RConfig'
  5. at your target software package’s root dir, run:

    rake menuconfig

– Project Home –

RBuild is hosted by SourceForge (www.sourceforge.net/projects/rbuild/) RBuild’s home page rbuild.sf.net/


RBuild is released under GNU GPLv2.

Copy Right © 2008, Ricky Zheng <[email protected]>