A collection of modules and classes for use in the book industry


Please refer to each components documentation for information on usage.

  • RBook::Bisac - Support for reading and writing BISAC files.

  • RBook::GBIP - Very rudimentary support for using the globalbooksinprint.com TCP API.

  • RBook::ISBN - Convenience methods for validating and converting ISBNs.

  • RBook::Onix - Support for reading and writing ONIX files.

  • RBook::Pacstream - Support for reading and writing ONIX files.

  • RBook::TitlePage - A wrapper for the titlepage.com SOAP API.

  • RBook::WWW - Screen scraping library for publisher websites.

This library is still quite young and I expect the API to fluctuate a little as it gets a good shakedown in the real world. If you use it via rubygems, I recommend pinning your require to a particular version.