
Notification system for windows. Trying to be Growl. Ruby wrapper around notifu (http://www.paralint.com/projects/notifu/index.html)

There are three possible alternatives to Growl on windows:

  • Tray notification
    • IUserNotification http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774424(v=vs.85).aspx
    • Notifu http://www.paralint.com/projects/notifu/index.html
  • Growl for Windows http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/
  • Snarl http://www.fullphat.net/


```ruby require ‘rb-notifu’

Notifu::show :message => “test”, :type => :warn do |status| p Notifu::ERRORS.include? status end

sleep 1.5 ```

Available options

:type The type of message to display values are: info The message is an informational message warn The message is an warning message error The message is an error message :time The number of milliseconds to display (omit or 0 for infinit) :title The title (or prompt) of the ballon :message The message text :icon Specify an icon to use ("parent" uses the icon of the parent process) :baloon Enable ballon tips in the registry (for this user only) :nosound Do not play a sound when the tooltip is displayed :noquiet Show the tooltip even if the user is in the quiet period that follows his very first login (Windows 7 and up) :xp Use IUserNotification interface event when IUserNotification2 is available


  • Use FFI instead of embedded executable file