
Cola is a simple distributed, transactional queue gem for Ruby backed by Redis. It uses Redis lists to provide its functionality with minimal additions. Cola supports transactions, retries, deadletter queues and timeouts. This gem is based on



gem install rb-cola

or add this to your Gemfile

gem 'rb-cola'


Create a queue, push and pop messages to and from the queue:

q =
message = q.pop

See the files under examples folder for more information.


You can push messages onto the queue using push or <<:

queue << message
queue.push(another_message, ttl: 30) # this message will expire in 30 seconds


You can pull the messages from the queue with blocking or non-blocking actions. Blocking actions will wait until a message is available to pop. Non-blocking actions will return nil is no message is available.


Each message is stored in an envelope when put on the queue. pop and process return the message itself when called. However, you can use pop_with_envelope to get the entire envelope.

Attribute Description Default
message The message nil
timestamp Message timestamp Timestamp of the push
retries Number of times the message has been retried 0
last_reason The reason for the last retry failure nil
version Envelope version 0
uuid Unique ID of the message Automatically generated
ttl Time to live 0


By default, if a pop fails, the message is lost and an exception is raised. This can be changed so Cola retries the message more than once. See options for more info. This is most useful when used with the process function in case an exception is raised within the process block.

Deadletter Queue

In case of multiple failures, the message can be pushed to a deadletter queue for further manual inspection. This is disabled by default.

Message Expiry

When pushing messages onto the queue, you can assign them a Time to Live (ttl). Messages will expire after their ttl is passed and they are not picked up for processing.


When creating a queue, you can use the following options:

Option Description Default
redis Redis instance to use Using the current redis instance
deadletter Support deadletter queue false
queue_name Set the queue name Random queue name
timeout Message timeout 0 (No timeout)
retries Number of retries 0 (No retries)


q = 10, redis: @some_redis_instance)