
An experimental FTP server framework built on top of Celluloid. Celluloid is a concurrency library that uses threads, so you will get the best results by using jruby or rubinius.

By providing a simple driver class that responds to a handful of methods you can have a complete FTP server.

The library is extracted from real world situations where an FTP interface was required to sit in front of a non-filesystem persistence layer.

Some sample use cases include persisting data to:

  • an Amazon S3 bucket
  • a relational database
  • redis
  • memory

The examples directory contains a demonstration of in memory persistence.


gem install raval


To boot an FTP server you will need to provide a driver that speaks to your persistence layer - the required driver contract is listed below.

Once that's ready, boot a new server like so:

require 'raval'

class MyDriver
  .. implementation here ..

Raval::App.start(:host   => "",
                 :port   => 3000,
                 :driver => MyDriver)

To get started quickly, try out the example in the git repo like so:

ruby -Ilib examples/fake.rb

The Driver Contract

The driver MUST have the following methods. Each method MUST accept the listed parameters and return an appropriate value:

authenticate(user, pass)
- boolean indicating if the provided details are valid

- an integer with the number of bytes in the file or nil if the file
  doesn't exist

- a Time-ish object indicating when the requested path was last modified, or
  nil if the file doesn't exist

- a boolean indicating if the current user is permitted to change to the
  requested path

- an array of the contents of the requested path or nil if the dir
  doesn't exist. Each entry in the array should meet the Entry contract
  defined below.

- a boolean indicating if the directory was successfully deleted

- a boolean indicating if path was successfully deleted

rename(from_path, to_path)
- a boolean indicating if from_path was successfully renamed to to_path

- a boolean indicating if path was successfully created as a new directory

- nil if the user isn't permitted to access that path
- an IOish (File, StringIO, IO, etc) object with data to send back to the

The driver MUST have one of the following methods. Each method MUST accept the listed parameters and return an appropriate value:

put_file(path, tmp_file_path)
- an integer indicating the number of bytes received or False if there
  was an error

put_file_streamed(path, datasocket)
- an integer indicating the number of bytes received or False if there
  was an error

The File Entry Contract

The Driver#dir_contents method must return an array of Entry objects that describe each item in a directory. Each of these Entry objects MUST have the following methods and return values. All methods (except name) can return nil if you're happy for raval to use a reasonable default.

- a boolean indicating if the entry is a directory

- the number of bytes in a file. 0 if the entry is a directory

- a string describing the current users permissions on the entry

- the name of the user that owns the entry

- the name of the group that owns the entry

- a Time-ish object that indicates when the entry was last modified

- the name of the file or directory

Driver Options

Some drivers may need configuration options - for server addresses or usernames or whatever. To do so, just write your driver constructor to accept an options hash, and then use it like so:

require 'raval'

class MyDriver
  def initialize(opts = {})


  .. remaining implementation here ..

Raval::App.start(:host   => "",
                 :port   => 3000,
                 :driver => MyDriver,
                 :driver_opts => {:foo => :bar})

You can see an example of driver options in examples/fog.rb.



FTP is an incredibly insecure protocol. Be careful about forcing users to authenticate with a username or password that are important.


This library is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the included file for more detail.


All suggestions and patches welcome, preferably via a git repository I can pull from. If this library proves useful to you, please let me know.

Further Reading

There are a range of RFCs that together specify the FTP protocol. In chronological order, the more useful ones are:

For an english summary that's somewhat more legible than the RFCs, and provides some commentary on what features are actually useful or relevant 24 years after RFC959 was published:

For a history lesson, check out Appendix III of RCF959. It lists the preceding (obsolete) RFC documents that relate to file transfers, including the ye old RFC114 from 1971, "A File Transfer Protocol"

For more information on Celluloid, a library that (among other things) simplifies writing applications that use sockets, check out their website.

This library is heavily based on em-ftpd, an FTPd framework with similar design goals within the EventMachine ecosystem. It worked well enough, but you know, callbacks and event loops make me something something.