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Domain models with typed attributes


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rasti-model'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rasti-model


Basic models

class Point < Rasti::Model
  attribute :x
  attribute :y

point = Point.new x: 1, y: 2
point.x # => 1
point.y # => 2

Typed models

T = Rasti::Types

class TypedPoint < Rasti::Model
  attribute :x, T::Integer
  attribute :y, T::Integer

point = TypedPoint.new x: '1', y: '2'
point.x # => 1
point.y # => 2

Inline definition

Point = Rasti::Model[:x, :y]

TypedPoint = Rasti::Model[x: T::Integer, y: T::Integer]

Serialization and deserialization

City = Rasti::Model[name: T::String]
Country = Rasti::Model[name: T::String, cities: T::Array[T::Model[City]]]

attributes = {
  name: 'Argentina',
  cities: [
    {name: 'Buenos Aires'},
    {name: 'Córdoba'},
    {name: 'Rosario'}

country = Country.new attributes
country.name # => 'Argentina'
country.cities # => [City[name: "Buenos Aires"], City[name: "Córdoba"], City[name: "Rosario"]]

country.to_h # => attributes

Error handling

TypedPoint = Rasti::Model[x: T::Integer, y: T::Integer]

point = TypedPoint.new x: true
point.x # => Rasti::Types::CastError: Invalid cast: true -> Rasti::Types::Integer
point.y # => Rasti::Model::NotAssignedAttributeError: Not assigned attribute y


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/gabynaiman/rasti-model.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.