
Command-line interface for Asana API written in Ruby.


$ gem install rasana


First, create ~/.rasana.yml and fill your Asana api_key.

$ cat ~/.rasana.yml
api_key: xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Then you can access to Asana API. At first find out who am I.

$ asana me
id: 8808888888
name: memerelics
email: [email protected]
  - 1111111111111: 'boring job'
  - 2222222222222: 'favorite_workspace'

Display tasks assigned to you.

$ asana tasks
  * Identify resources to be monitored.
  * Define users and workflow
  * Identify event sources by resource type.
  * Define the relationship between resources and business systems.
  * Identify tasks and URLs by resource type.
  * Define the server configuration.

Also you can limit result by --on option.

$ asana tasks --on favorite_workspace
  * Define the server configuration.


$ asana projects
1111111111111: ProjectX
3333333333333: My Important Project

$ asana tags
1111111111111: tagA
2222222222222: tagB

Show help.

$ asana help
$ asana help tasks


  • tasks on a project.
  • tasks on a tag.
  • GitHub integration.
  • Make it faster.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request