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Guard::Resque automatically starts/stops/restarts resque workers

Forked from Guard::Resque


Please be sure to have Guard installed before you continue.

Install the gem:

gem install ainforest-guard-resque

Add it to your Gemfile (inside test group):

gem 'ainforest-guard-resque'

Add guard definition to your Guardfile by running this command:

guard init resque


Please read Guards usage documents.

I suggest you put the resque guard definition before your test/rspec guard if your tests depend on it being active.


guard 'resque', :environment => 'development' do

Feel free to be more specific, for example watching only for app/models and app/jobs to avoid reloading on a javascript file change.


You can customize the resque task via the following options:

  • environment: the rails environment to run the workers in (defaults to nil)
  • task: the name of the rake task to use (defaults to "resque:work")
  • queue: the resque queue to run (defaults to "*")
  • interval: the interval to use for checking for new resque jobs (defaults to 5)
  • count: the number of workers to include (defaults to 1)
  • verbose: whether to use verbose logging (defaults to nil)
  • vverbose: whether to use very verbose logging (defaults to nil)
  • trace: whether to include --trace on the rake command (defaults to nil)
  • stop_signal: how to kill the process when restarting (defaults to SIGTERM)
  • stop_timeout: how long to wait (in seconds) for resque to exit (defaults to 5 seconds, one more than the resque default)
  • term_child: defaults to 1 to use the new signal handling in 2.x


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.

Testing the gem locally

gem install guard-resque-0.x.x.gem

Building and deploying gem

  • Update the version number in lib/guard/resque/version.rb
  • Update
  • Build the gem:
gem build guard-resque.gemspec
  • Push to
gem push guard-resque-0.x.x.gem

Guard::Delayed Authors

Ideas for this gem came from Guard::WEBrick.

Guard::Resque Authors

Jacques Crocker hacked this together from the guard-delayed gem for use with Resque. All credit go to the original authors though. Jacques just search/replaced and tweaked a few things.

I've (ukd1) only fixed a few issues that have cropped up recently that were annoying and unfixed.


MIT License. See LICENSE for details.