
RainCatcher utilises the raindrops statistics tool to automatically log queue data for Rack web servers (e.g. Unicorn) running Rails.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rain_catcher', '~> 0.1.3'

And rebuild your bundle:

bundle install


RainCatcher automatically adds a hook into all web requests made to your application controller which will make a new log entry not more frequently than a predetermined interval.

When each request is processed, if the configured interval has elapsed then a log entry will be made.

Variable Default Value Meaning
RAIN_CATCHER_LOG_INTERVAL 30 Minimum number of seconds between each log entry
RAIN_CATCHER_LOG_LEVEL INFO Log level to use for log entries
RAIN_CATCHER_APPLICATION_NAME [inferred from Rails] Application identifier which will be included in all log entries

Log Structure

Log entries are output as JSON. For example:
