
Rails engine to simply save big temporary data (too big for session cookie store) in a database. It is great for a step-by-step wizard or similar functionality.


While working on Padbase we needed 2 steps signup process (1. enter property info, 2. enter user info). Info entered in first step could get very large and we couldn't save it in a session because of CookieOverflow, didn't want to switch to ActiveRecord store and didn't want to save invalid property in database with the flag (partial validations, ...). Solution was to create separate table for this temporary data and RailsTemporaryData was born. This way you get best from both worlds. Standard session data is still saved in a cookie and you can save larger amount of data in a database.


Start by adding the gem to your application's Gemfile

gem 'rails_temporary_data', :git => 'git://github.com/vlado/rails_temporary_data.git'

Update your bundle

bundle install

Generate migration

rails generate rails_temporary_data

Run migration

rake db:migrate


class DummyController < ApplicationController

def set_data
  set_tmp_data("some_key", { first_name: "Vlado", last_name: "Cingel", bio: "Very ... very long bio" })

def get_data
  tmp_data = get_tmp_data("some_key").data
  # do something with tmp data
  first_name = tmp_data[:first_name] # => Vlado


You can optionally set data expiry time (default is 2 days)

class DummyController < ApplicationController

def set_data
  set_tmp_data("some_key", { first_name: "Vlado", last_name: "Cingel", bio: "Very ... very long bio" }, Time.now + 3.days)


To clear data you don't need any more

class DummyController < ApplicationController

def get_data
  tmp_data = get_tmp_data("some_key").data
  # do something with tmp data


To help you clear unwanted and/or expired data rake task is provided. You should set a cron job to call this task daily.

rake rails_temporary_data:delete_expired


  • Default expires_at as configuration option