I want this gem to be Pure Pwnage with Rails.

I built rails_pwnerer because I hate the messy process of putting a rails application into production. I don’t enjoy following 10-page guides, so I’d much rather having ruby do that for me.

Right now, rails_pwnerer assumes a fresh Ubuntu 8.04 installation. You’re welcome to test/update for other systems, and I’ll be happy to merge patches, or add you to the RubyForge project.

Life without rails_pwnerer:

Read a 20-page guide, and spend the better half of a day getting a box ready for production. You’ll be frustrated in the process, but feel accomplished at the end. Assuming you don’t do something wrong.

Read a couple more 20-page guides, and learn to push newer versions of your application. You’ll become lazy, and take shortcuts, like having production passwords in the repository, or insecure file permissions, or you’ll forget to delete cached javascripts and stylesheets from public/. I won’t even mention backups. Or scripts to recover your frontends (mongrel / thin) properly from power outages. Or a staging server of your application.

Life with rails_pwnerer:

1) Install a bootstrap version of ruby and rubygems: sudo apt-get -y install ruby1.9.1 make

2) Install rails_pwnerer: sudo gem install rails_pwnerer

3) Get your server production-ready: sudo rpwn scaffold

If this doesn’t work, blame your OS distribution (rubygems was blocked from creating a wrapper for rpwn, and our cheat against common blocks failed). Manual workaround:

a) Find the path to the gems: gem environment gemdir (e.g. /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/) b) run bin/rpwn from there: sudo /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/rpwn scaffold

After you scaffold, you’ll get good rubygems which put rpwn in your path.

4) Install your application: sudo rpwn install svn+ssh://your.repository.host/path/to/your_application


sudo rpwn install [email protected]/path/to/your_application.git


sudo rpwn install p4://you:yourpass@host:port/path/to/your/application

5) Maintain your application

  • Push the updates in the SVN repository:

sudo rpwn update your_application

  • Create a backup:

sudo rpwn backup your_application

  • Restore from the latest backup:

sudo rpwn restore your_application

  • Restore the database (but not the application files) from the latest backup:

sudo rpwn restore_db your_application

  • Poke around your application using the Rails console:

rpwn console your_application

  • Poke around your database using the Rails console:

rpwn db_console your_application

  • Configure DynDns for your application server

sudo rpwn scaffold ddns full_host_name ddns_user ddns_password

  • Change the database password

sudp rpwn rekey your_application

  • Bring down all the applications (panic mode):

sudo rpwn go down

  • Bring all the applications back up (out of panic mode):

sudo rpwn go live

  • Reset your database (drops and re-creates, useful in staging instances):

sudo rpwn db_reset your_application (you need to read the next section on instances and configuration, and set the ‘enable_db_reset’ key on your staging instance)

  • Uninstall your application

sudo rpwn uninstall your_application

In love with rails_pwnerer:

Got your first Rails app up with rails_pwnerer? Want more than one site on the production box? Want multiple instances of the same app (e.g. running a staging server on the same box)?

Instances let you do that. Creating an instance: sudo rpwn install svn+ssh://whatever instance_name

All the commands that take an application name take an optional instance name. If no name is given, the default is used (usually your host name, see below for finding it out). Use * to mean “every instance of that application”. For instance: sudo rpwn update your_application *

rails_pwnerer has a configuration repository (a bunch of YAML files) that you can see with: sudo rpwn showconfig

Installing an application creates a default configuration database for the application. You can override defaults by creating some files in your application directory (so the overrides will be version-controlled). In your Rails directory (on your devbox), use rpwndev as follows:

  • Set the DNS name(s) that your app responds to:

rpwndev set dns_name your.dns.name,www.your.dns.name

  • Tweak the number of frontends per CPU core for an instance:

rpwndev setnum frontends_per_core 4 your_instance

  • Delete the previous tweak and apply it to all instances:

rpwndev del frontends_per_core your_instance; rpwndev setnum frontends_per_core 4

The overrides are YAML files in config/rails_pwnage, so you can view and edit them by hand. rpwndev is just a handy tool, because YAML files are easy to tweak, but hard to code from scratch without learning the format :)

Once the overrides are pushed to your SVN repository, updating your app will apply the changes to the configuration repository. Use rpwn showconfig on the server to see all the variables that you can tweak.

Before I forget: don’t use dots (.) in instance names. Think underscores (_) instead. You can use dots in application names, though.

SSL servers with rails_pwnerer:

1) Generate a server key: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout config/rails_pwnerer/instance.pem -out instance.csr -nodes

2) Be sure to set the CN (Common Name) to your server’s DNS address. Send the CSR file to your CA: cat instance.csr

3) Copy the certificate into the rails_pwnerer configuration directory: cat > config/rails_pwnerer/instance.cer

4) Clean up: rm instance.csr

5) Update the application in production: sudo rpwn update

Hooked on rails_pwnerer:

You’re growing to complex applications which need daemons outside rails? rails_pwnerer can invoke the scripts you provide at various points in the application lifecycle. Use this to start/stop processes, build indexes, or do any other task that doesn’t fit in a Web request.

The following prefixes are searched for in script/rails_pwnerer:

  • install - executed when an application is installed, after it is fully configured

  • pre_start - executed before the application is started

  • post_start - executed after the application is started

  • pre_stop - executed before the application is stopped

  • post_stop - executed after the application is stopped

  • pre_reset - executed before the application’s database is reset

  • post_reset - executed after the application’s database is reset

  • update - executed when the application is updated

  • remove - executed when the application is removed

The first script matching the pattern is executed. This means you can have an “install.rb”, so you can use your favorite language extension. You cannot have both an “install.rb” and an “install.sh” executing at the same time.

If the script ends in _su or _su.extension (e.g. _su.ruby), it will be run as the super-user (root). Otherwise it will be run as the application’s user. For instance, post_reset_su.rb wil be run as the super-user, whereas post_reset.sh will not.

Writing your lifecycle scripts in Ruby? You can use the rails_pwnerer gem to commonly-used chunks of functionality . RailsPwnage::Util (including RailsPwnage::Base) is likely to be useful.