
Gem Version

This gem packages the lovely bootstrap-sortable gem from drvic10k/bootstrap-sortable into an easy to use form. rails_bootstrap_sortable adds the ability to sort bootstrap tables (or any type of table, for that matter) via Javascript by clicking on the headers of the table. The bootstrap-sortable gem is © 2015 Matúš Brliť (drvic10k), bootstrap-sortable contributors.


Add these lines to your rails project's Gemfile:

gem 'momentjs-rails'
gem 'rails_bootstrap_sortable'

Install the new gems:

$ bundle install

(for more info see rails_bootstrap_sortable on rubygems.org)

Add this line to application.css.scss:

*= require bootstrap-sortable

Add these lines to application.js.coffee:

//= require moment
//= require bootstrap-sortable


Please see dvic10k/bootstrap-sortable for full usage information.