RailsAdminLiveEdit Gem Version

A rails_admin plugin to edit site contents from the frontend.

If the user is logged in rails_admin a fixed bar on bottom is shown. It allows to edit the current record (if in a show page) or to create a new one (if in an index page).

Demo: heroku app


  • Add to Gemfile: gem 'rails_admin_live_edit'

  • Add to application layout (in body) (erb example): <%= render 'live_edit/ra_live_editor' %>

  • Edit or create app/assets/javascripts/rails_admin/custom/ui.js and add: //= require rails_admin/plugins/live_edit/ui.js


  • This plugin use current_user method to check if the user is logged in; to bypass this check it is possible to define a current_user helper method.


