
An ActiveSupport cache store that uses the C-based libmemcached client through Evan Weaver’s Ruby/SWIG wrapper, memcached. libmemcached is fast, lightweight, and supports consistent hashing, non-blocking IO, and graceful server failover.


You’ll need both the libmemcached client and the memcached gem:

Make sure you install libmemcached first, before you try installing the gem. If you’re using OS X, the easiest way to install libmemcached is through MacPorts:

sudo port install libmemcached

For other platforms, download and extract the libmemcached tarball and install manually:

make && sudo make install

Once libmemcached is installed, install the memcached gem:

gem install memcached --no-rdoc --no-ri


This is a drop-in replacement for the memcache store that ships with Rails. To enable, set the config.cache_store option to :libmemcached_store in the config for your environment

config.cache_store = :libmemcached_store

If no servers are specified, localhost is assumed. You can specify a list of server addresses, either as hostnames or IP addresses, with or without a port designation. If no port is given, 11211 is assumed:

config.cache_store = :libmemcached_store, %w(cache-01 cache-02


Thanks to Brian Aker ( for creating libmemcached, and Evan Weaver ( for the Ruby wrapper.