
rails-timeago provides a timeago_tag helper to create time tags usable for jQuery Timeago plugin.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails-timeago'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails-timeago

To use bundled jQuery Timeago plugin add this require statement to your application.js file:

//= require rails-timeago

This will also convert all matching time tags on page load.


Use the timeago_tag helper like any other regular tag helper:

<%= timeago_tag Time.zone.now, :nojs => true, :limit => 10.days.ago %>

Available options:

nojs Add time ago in words as time tag content instead of absolute time. (default: false)

date_only Only print date as tag content instead of full time. (default: true)

format A time format for localize method used to format static time. (default: default)

limit Set a limit for time ago tags. All dates before given limit will not be converted. (default: 4.days.ago)

force Force time ago tag ignoring limit option. (default: false)

default String that will be returned if time is nil. (default: '-')

All other options will be given as options to the time tag helper. The above options can be assigned globally as defaults using

Rails::Timeago.default_options :limit => proc { 20.days.ago }, :nojs => true

A global limit should always be given as a block that will be evaluated each time the rails timeago_tag helper is called. That avoids the limit becoming smaller the longer the application runs.


rails-timeago provides additional localization features and includes locale files for the following locales taken from jQuery Timeago.

ar, bg, bs, ca, cy, cz, da, de, el, en, es, fa, fi, fr, he, hr, hu, hy, id, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sv, tr, uk, uz, zh-CN, zh-TW

rails-timeago will automatically include the locale file for your current locale if it is available. You only have to include the following method into your html head tag:

<%= timeago_script_tag %>

That will add a script include tag to include the needed locale file. rails-timeago will also add all locale files to Rails precompiled assets list to allow precompilation. By default all locale files will be included but you can specify a list by adding a initializer similar to:

Rails::Timeago.locales = [:en, :de, "zh-CN", :sjn]

This will only add English, German, Chinese and Sindarin locale files to precompiled assets. rails-timeago will also only use these locales for locale file lookup for timeago_script_tag. To add your own locales add a file in JavaScript assets directory named locales/jquery.timeago.<locale>.js and add your locale to Rails::Timeago.locales.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2012, Jan Graichen