
Fast, loosely coupled requests specs for a cookie-authenticated application.

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Probably, you might have seen a lot code like this:

# config/initializers/session_store.rb
Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store

# authentificaing method (maybe Devise or whatever)
session[:current_user_id] = current_user.id

# somewhere in helper for request specs
def (current_user)
  post '/login', auth_data(current_user)

# now every request spec is calling login request
RSpec.describe 'User inferface', type: :request do
  let(:user) { create :user }

  before do

  it 'shows private data' do
    get '/dashboard'

In a usual user-driven application this tightly couples all request specs, which require authentication, to the login process. If it fails - everything fails. If it's not blazingly fast - it slows the whole suite down.

One may move to token-based authentification, especially when having API. That's reasonable and nice. But we can think about a session cookie as a token passed in a special header!

This gem replaces your usual process with the simplest 2 rails middleware pass. Rails is modular, that's cool :)


# Gemfile
gem 'rails-session_cookie', group: :test

Usage in requests specs

# spec_helper.rb
require 'rails/session_cookie'

def (current_user)
  # depending on Rails version and session configuration this looks like "cookie_store_key=data--digest; path=/; HttpOnly"
  raw_session_cookie = Rails::SessionCookie::App.new(current_user_id: current_user.id).session_cookie

  # note, it's raw, not `<<`

# ...everything else the same

Now you can cache raw_session_cookie globally or per-thread depending on current_user_id to get things even faster!

You can also use the raw_session_cookie directly like this:

get "/", {}, { "HTTP_COOKIE" => raw_session_cookie }

Strictly speaking, you may cache Set-Cookie response header from /login URL to achieve same speed (but not coupling ;) However, never saw this in practice, and consider caching of requests in before-phase bad. YMMV.

Advanced usage

If you need more sophisticated logic:

  auth_app = proc { |env|
    # do your magic
    [200, {}, []]
  raw_session_cookie = Rails::SessionCookie::App.new(auth_app).session_cookie

Of course, you can just make use (and reuse!) of as many procs as you wish.

This effectively achieves the effect as this PR#18230, which allows session mutation in a less invasive way in regard to Rails itself ;)

Warden / Devise

Getting session cookie is dead-simple, just get the cookie this way:

raw_session_cookie = Rails::SessionCookie::WardenApp.new(user).session_cookie

Feature tests using Capybara

Get the cookie as described above according to your setup, and assign this way:

Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.set_cookie raw_session_cookie

TODO: Only tested with :rack_test driver!


NOTE: Sometimes devise's sing_in is still faster than SessionCookie (a little though), because Warden uses an ugly hack, in my opinion, to support test-mode authentication.

But, still, in average performance of this gem is not worse if used with user_id->cookie caching Besides, authentication becomes as transparent as possible and should increase readability if you understand HTTP session cookies principles.

$ appraisal rails-5.1-warden rspec -t performance spec/benchmarks

Speed using capybara in feature test
  correctness of
      is correct
    Devise Helpers
      are correct
  against Devise::Test::Helpers
    is obviously slower separately
    is not slower than devise helpers if using cache and executing multiple specs in a suite

Speed using custom sign-in in request test
  correctness of
      is correct
    usual session controller
      is correct
  against custom sign in route
    is faster separately without cache

Finished in 1.89 seconds (files took 0.89589 seconds to load)
7 examples, 0 failures


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/razum2um/rails-session_cookie.