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I worked on several Rails projects and there were many cases when it felt overkill to use a framework like Angular or Ember, because javascript was only needed in some parts of the application. But by not using these frameworks I had to think of a way to structure the code by myself. I came up with the conclusion to organize the javascript code like the ruby code is organized, that means: Split up in controllers, which are split up in actions.

How it works

  • In rails-js we are able to define controllers, as well as helpers.
  • Controllers have actions which are executed when the matching rails action is executed.
  • Helpers should be clear. Pretty much like the rails helpers. There are helper per controller and global helpers.
  • The gem also provides a view helper to use in your layouts, which passes the routing information to rails-js.

You start by creating an app.

//= require rails

 * app/assets/javascripts/application.js

 // Define global helpers here
 helper: function() {
// Put in initial data
  foo: 'bar'
// A function that is executed before every action
function() {
 console.log('beforeAll() executed');

Create controllers accordingly.

 * app/assets/javascripts/controllers/users.js

Rails.controller('users', {
  // actions here
  new: function(h) {
    // execute helper

  index: function(h) {
    // Do the same as in new()
  // helpers here
  awesomeHelper: function() {

Use code from other controllers.

 * app/assets/javascripts/controllers/admin/users.js

Rails.controller('admin/users', {
  new: function(h) {
    // Execute action of foreign controller

  index: function(h) {
    // Execute foreign helper with arguments
    R.helper('users', 'awesomeHelper', 1, 2, 3);

    // Execute global helper with arguments
    R.global('helper', 1, 2, 3);

Global variables without the mess.

 * Use R singleton everywhere

// Setting
R('answer', 42);
// Multiple levels
R('a.global.variable', 'foo');

// Getting

Define hooks for namespaces.

 * app/assets/javascripts/namespaces/admin.js

Rails.namespace('admin', function() {
  // Will be executed on all admin routes (e.g. admin/users#new)
  console.log('Hello Mr. Admin');

For more info...

...just read in app/assets/javascripts/rails.js. I tried my best and documented nearly every line of code :)


Install it as any other gem by putting this to your Gemfile:

gem 'rails-js'

In your layouts, put this line into the head:

<%= rails_js %>

Also make sure to include rails in your application.js. If you are using Turbolinks, make sure to include rails after turbolinks.


Javascript tests are in test/dummy/spec/javascripts/rails-js_spec.js. They are executed using rake teaspoon (by using the teaspoon runner). I'm still trying to get travis to execute the teaspoon tests properly...


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