Rails Importer

Rails Importer (XML, XLS, CSV)

How to install

Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'rails-importer'

Run the following command to install it:

$ bundle install
$ rails generate rails_importer:install


You can generate importers app/importers/example_importer.rb

$ rails generate rails_importer:importer example

Generator will make a file with content like:

class ExampleImporter < RailsImporter::Base

  importer do
    fields :name, :email, :age
    #or fields({:name => "Name", :email => "E-mail", :age => "Idade"})
    each_record do |record, params|

      MyModel.find_or_create_by(name: record[:name], email: record[:email], age: record[:age])

      return record # or return wherever

  # importer :simple do
  #   xml_structure :root, :row
  #   fields :name, :email, :age
  #   each_record do |record, params|
  #       ...
  #   end
  # end


How to use

You can call import from Importers objects:

    file = params[:import][:file]
    records = ExampleImporter.import(file, extra_param: 'Extra')

Or with context:

    file = params[:import][:file]
    records = ExampleImporter.import(file, context: :simple, extra_param: 'Extra')