Rails Html Sanitizers

In Rails 4.2 and above this gem will be responsible for sanitizing HTML fragments in Rails applications, i.e. in the sanitize, sanitize_css, strip_tags and strip_links methods.

Rails Html Sanitizer is only intended to be used with Rails applications. If you need similar functionality in non Rails apps consider using Loofah directly (that's what handles sanitization under the hood).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails-html-sanitizer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails-html-sanitizer



All sanitizers respond to sanitize.


full_sanitizer = Rails::Html::FullSanitizer.new
full_sanitizer.sanitize("<b>Bold</b> no more!  <a href='more.html'>See more here</a>...")
# => Bold no more!  See more here...


link_sanitizer = Rails::Html::LinkSanitizer.new
link_sanitizer.sanitize('<a href="example.com">Only the link text will be kept.</a>')
# => Only the link text will be kept.


white_list_sanitizer = Rails::Html::WhiteListSanitizer.new

# sanitize via an extensive white list of allowed elements

# white list only the supplied tags and attributes
white_list_sanitizer.sanitize(@article.body, tags: %w(table tr td), attributes: %w(id class style))

# white list via a custom scrubber
white_list_sanitizer.sanitize(@article.body, scrubber: ArticleScrubber.new)

# white list sanitizer can also sanitize css
white_list_sanitizer.sanitize_css('background-color: #000;')


Scrubbers are objects responsible for removing nodes or attributes you don't want in your HTML document.

This gem includes two scrubbers Rails::Html::PermitScrubber and Rails::Html::TargetScrubber.


This scrubber allows you to permit only the tags and attributes you want.

scrubber = Rails::Html::PermitScrubber.new
scrubber.tags = ['a']

html_fragment = Loofah.fragment('<a><img/ ></a>')
html_fragment.to_s # => "<a></a>"


Where PermitScrubber picks out tags and attributes to permit in sanitization, Rails::Html::TargetScrubber targets them for removal.

scrubber = Rails::Html::TargetScrubber.new
scrubber.tags = ['img']

html_fragment = Loofah.fragment('<a><img/ ></a>')
html_fragment.to_s # => "<a></a>"

Custom Scrubbers

You can also create custom scrubbers in your application if you want to.

class CommentScrubber < Rails::Html::PermitScrubber
  def allowed_node?(node)
    !%w(form script comment blockquote).include?(node.name)

  def skip_node?(node)

  def scrub_attribute?(name)
    name == "style"

See Rails::Html::PermitScrubber documentation to learn more about which methods can be overridden.

Custom Scrubber in a Rails app

Using the CommentScrubber from above, you can use this in a Rails view like so:

<%= sanitize @comment, scrubber: CommentScrubber.new %>

Read more

Loofah is what underlies the sanitizers and scrubbers of rails-html-sanitizer.

The node argument passed to some methods in a custom scrubber is an instance of Nokogiri::XML::Node.


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