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This gem provides easy access to energies and intensities from the decay of radioactive nuclei. Currently two data sources are accessible:

  • IAEA xgamma recommended values (default)
  • Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel DDEP recommended data

Note that IAEA data is compiled and filtered with energy and efficiency calibration in mind, while DDEP data ist focused on completeness.

Example Usage

The radiation gem can be use in two ways:

Command line interface

$ radiation
$ radiation source Na-22
=> E_ɣ      ΔE_ɣ    I_ɣ     ΔI_ɣ
=> 511.0    0.0     1.798   2E-03
=> 1274.537 0.003   0.9994  1E-04

Refer to the CLI for more options.

In your ruby files:

require "radiation"
Radiation::Source.new(nuclide: "Ra-226").energies.collect{|e| e.value}

See files in ./samples/.


Requirement is a (local) ruby with rubygems. Using rvm is recommended

Installing ruby locally on a debian based system

$ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ rvm mount -r http://rvm.io/binaries/debian/7.0/x86_64/ruby-2.0.0-p247.tar.bz2 --verify-downloads 1
$ rvm use --default 2.0.0

Installing the gem

$ gem install radiation

Or use bundler.