Radar User's Guide


Radar is a tool which provides a drop-in solution to catching and reporting errors in your Ruby application via customizable mediums.


Install via RubyGems:

gem install radar

Or specify in your own library or application's Gemfile or gemspec so that the gem is included properly.

Basic Usage


First, as early as possible in your application so that Radar can begin catching exceptions right away, create a new Radar::Application instance for your own app, replacing my_application with a unique name for your application.


But this alone won't do anything, since you haven't configured any reporters for the application. Reporters are what handle taking an ExceptionEvent and doing something with it (such as storing it in a file, reporting it to a remote server, etc.). Radar comes with some built-in reporters. Below, we configure the application to log errors to a file (by default at ~/.radar/errors/my_application):

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.reporters.use Radar::Reporter::FileReporter

Reporting Errors

Once the application is setup, there are two methods to report errors:

  1. Manually call the report method on the application.
  2. Tell the application to rescue at exit so Radar automatically catches any exceptions before your application crashes.

Calling the report method manually:

app = Radar::Application.new(:my_application)

The use case for this is in a rescue block somewhere, and forces Radar to report the given exception.

Telling Radar to catch exceptions on exit is equally simple, and can be used in conjunction with the above method as well:

app = Radar::Application.new(:my_application)

Now, whenever your application is about to crash (an exception not caught by a rescue), Radar will catch your exception and report it just prior to crashing.



On its own, Radar does nothing but catch and shuttle exceptions to reporters. Without reporters, Radar is basically useless! A reporter is a class which takes an Radar::ExceptionEvent and does something with it. Its easier to get a better idea of what this means with a few examples:

  • FileReporter - Stores the data from an exception on the filesystem for each exception.
  • ServerReporter - Transfers information about an exception to some remote server.

Enabling and Configuring a Reporter

Reporters are enabled using the appilication configuration:

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.reporters.use FileReporter

And can be configured by passing a block to the reporter, which is yielded with the instance of that reporter:

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.reporters.use FileReporter do |reporter|
    reporter.output_directory = "~/.radar/exceptions"

Radar also allows multiple reporters to be used, which are then called in the order they are defined when an exception occurs:

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.reporters.use FileReporter
  app.config.reporters.use AnotherReporter

Built-in Reporters


FileReporter outputs exception information as JSON to a file on the local filesystem. The filename is in the format of timestamp-uniquehash.txt, where timestamp is the time that the exception occurred and uniquehash is the Radar::ExceptionEvent#uniqueness_hash.

The directory where these files will be stored is configurable:

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.reporters.use Radar::Reporter::FileReporter do |reporter|
    reporter.output_directory = "~/my_application_errors"

You may also use a lambda. Below is also the default value for the FileReporter:

reporter.output_directory = lambda { |event| "~/.radar/#{event.application.name}" }

A few notes:

  • The FileReporter does not automatically handle cleaning up old exception files or reporting these files to any remote server. It is up to you, if you wish, to clean up old exception information.
  • The JSON output is compressed JSON, and is not pretty printed. It is up to you to take the JSON and pretty print it if you wish it to be easily human readable. There are services out there to do this.

For complete documentation on this reporter, please see the actual Radar::Reporter::FileReporter page.

Custom Reporters

It is very easy to write custom reporters. A reporter is simply a class which responds to report and takes a single Radar::ExceptionEvent as a parameter. Below is an example of a reporter which simply prints out that an error occurred:

class StdoutReporter
  def report(event)
    puts "An exception occurred! Message: #{event.exception.message}"

And then using that reporter is just as easy:

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.reporters.use StdoutReporter

Data Extensions

Data extensions allow you to easily extend the data represented by Radar::ExceptionEvent#to_hash. By default, Radar only sends a small amount of information about the host environment and the exception when an exception occurs. Often its more helpful to get more information about the environment to more easily track down a bug. Some examples:

  • HTTP request headers for a web application
  • Configuration settings for a desktop application

Defining Data Extensions

Data extensions are defined with classes which are expected to be initialized with a reference to a Radar::ExceptionEvent and must implement the to_hash method. Below is a data extension to add the output of uname -a to the event:

class UnameExtension
  def initialize(event)
    @event = event

  def to_hash
    { :uname => `uname -a` }

Enabling Data Extensions

Data extensions are enabled via the application configuration like most other things:

Radar::Application.new(:my_application) do |app|
  app.config.data_extensions.use UnameExtension

Built-In Data Extensions

By default, Radar::ExceptionEvent#to_hash (view the source) returns very little information on its own. To be as general and extensible as possible, even the data such as information about the host are created using built-in data extensions. Some of these are enabled by default, which are designated by the * on the name.

  • HostEnvironment* - Adds information about the host such as Ruby version and operating system.

*: Enabled by default on every application.


Matchers allow Radar applications to conditionally match exceptions so that a Radar application doesn't catch unwanted exceptions, such as exceptions which may not be caused by the library in question, or perhaps exceptions which aren't really exceptional.

Enabling a Matcher

Matchers are enabled in the application configuration:

Radar::Application.new(:app) do |app|
  app.config.match :class, StandardError
  app.config.match :backtrace, /file.rb$/

As you can see, multiple matchers may be enabled. In this case, as long as at least one matches, then the exception will be reported. The first argument to match is a symbol or class of a matcher. If it is a symbol, the symbol is constantized and expects to exist under the Radar::Matchers namespace. If it is a class, that class will be used as the matcher. Any additional arguments are passed directly into the initializer of the matcher. For more information on writing a custom matcher, see the section below.

If no matchers are specified (the default), then all exceptions are caught.

Built-in Matchers


A matcher which matches against the backtrace of the exception. It allows:

  • Match that a string is a substring of a line in the backtrace
  • Match that a regexp matches a line in the backtrace
  • Match one of the above up to a maximum depth in the backtrace

Examples of each are shown below (respective to the above order):

app.config.match :backtrace, "my_file.rb"
app.config.match :backtrace, /.+_test.rb/
app.config.match :backtrace, /.+_test.rb/, :depth => 5

If an exception doesn't have a backtrace (can happen if you don't actually raise an exception, but instantiate one) then the matcher always returns false.


A matcher which matches against the class of the exception. It is configurable so it can check against:

  • An exact match
  • Match class or any subclasses
  • Match a regexp name of a class

Examples of each are shown below (in the above order):

app.config.match :class, StandardError
app.config.match :class, StandardError, :include_subclasses => true
app.config.match :class, /.*Error/

Custom Matchers

Matchers are simply classes which respond to matches? which returns a boolean noting if the given Radar::ExceptionEvent matches. If true, then the exception is reported, otherwise other matchers are tried, or if there are no other matchers, the exception is ignored.

Below is a simple custom matcher which only matches exceptions with the configured message:

class ErrorMessageMatcher
  def initialize(message)
    @message = message

  def matches?(event)
    event.exception.message == @message

And the usage is shown below:

Radar::Application.new(:app) do |app|
  app.config.match ErrorMessageMatcher, "sample message"

And this results in the following behavior:

raise "Hello, World"   # not reported
raise "sample message" # reported since it matches the message