
Gem Version Build Status

The version of Rack::Session::Cookie that ships with Rack 2 has the following limitations:

  • Insecure SHA1 (HMAC-SHA1) by default
  • Slow and/or bloated JSON, ZipJSON, or Marshal encoding out of the box
  • JSON encodings do not preserve Symbols
  • Digest is double-encoded and bloated (hexdigest of a base64)
  • Base64-encoded strings contain unecessary padding and characters that need to be escaped (e.g. / becomes %2F), wasting precious cookie bytes
  • It has some bugs in the size check that may lead to truncated cookies, token leakage, and/or cross-site request forgery

Of course, none of these are true show-stoppers, and the worst can be worked around by passing e.g. :hmac and :coder to the initializer. But we are nice people and we deserve nice things. This gem provides a minor derivative of Rack::Session::Cookie with the following improvements:

  • Secure SHA2 (HMAC-SHA-256) by default
  • Compact binary serialization format (currently MessagePack but will likely change to CBOR in the future) out of the box
  • Symbols are preserved with the default :coder
  • Digest is single-encoded and compact (base64 of a digest)
  • Base64-encoded strings are not padded and conform to URL-encoded form data (e.g. / becomes _)
  • It does not perform a size check (use Rack::Protection::MaximumCookie if you care about cookie limits)

The resultant cookies values with a small-to-medium sized session can be up to 30% smaller in an apples-to-apples comparison (see below for examples).


The main distinguishing feature of this cf. the stock implementation is that the encoding (and decoding) step has been separated into two stages: 1. binary serialization and 2. stringification, instead of being combined into a single "coder" class. This allows the various cookie components to be either both serialized and stringified (in the case of the session payload) or merely stringified (in the case of the digest).

The other key realization is that the method Rack uses to escape cookie data (URI.encode_www_form_component) will only ever allow URL-safe Base64 plus period (.) and asterisk (*), so there's no sense in using any stringification scheme other than URL-safe Base64! It doesn't need to be configurable. The serializer remains configurable as the :coder.

The remaining differences are mostly just better defaults: MessagePack and SHA2.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rack-session-smart_cookie'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rack-session-smart_cookie


use Rack::Session::SmartCookie

Rack::Session::SmartCookie accepts the same options as Rack::Session::Cookie. If you choose to override the default :coder, it should not perform the Base64 steps.

You can easily register additional custom types on the default coder's factory:

my_coder = Rack::Session::SmartCookie::MessagePack.new
my_coder.factory.register_type(0x00, MyCustomType) # 0x60..0xFF are reserved

use Rack::Session::SmartCookie, :coder=>my_coder


For general size and performance benchmarks of the encoding schemes, see here. Unfortunately, the post is slightly out-of-date and doesn't include ZipJSON (Zlib+JSON) results. However, I was able to run the benchmarks locally and add ZipJSON. Although it comes in second-most compact at 289 bytes (cf. protocol buffers and MessagePack at 204 and 373 bytes, respectively), it was 97% slower to encode and 91% slower to decode cf. MessagePack.

I put this mock session payload through the following configurations with SHA2 and 128 sidbits and here are the results:

  :roles=>[:user, :moderator, :mailbox],

Size: 420 bytes (100%)

Note the percent-encoded characters and hex-encoded digest here and in the other Rack::Session::Cookie results.


Size: 377 bytes (90%)


Size: 334 bytes (80%)

Rack::Session::SmartCookie w/ MessagePack


Size: 292 bytes (70%)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mwpastore/rack-session-smart_cookie.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.