RackR - Use R in your Rack stack

RackR is a Rack middleware which integrates R into a Rack based web application (like Rails). With RackR in place displaying graphs is as simple as rendering R code into your output. E.g.

<script type='text/r'>

RackR will pick this up on its way out and replace it with an empty container and some JavaScript code to perform an immediate asynchronous request for processing the R code.

RackR will answer to this request with processing the R code in a temporary directory, then searching this directory for displayable content, and finally return the html code for display. So the example above will eventually turn into something like this:

 <img src='/path/to/sinus.png' />
   content of Rout file (stdout of R)

Almost everything can conveniently be configured in a YAML file. RackR will create a sample config file in config/rack-r.yml or any other path given.

Install in Rails

Put the following in your Gemfile and run bundle

gem 'rack-r'

Use the TemplateHandler

You can create partials with the extension .rackr which will automatically be picked up by the middleware.

# render the file `_partial_with_r_code_inside.html.rackr`
render :partial => 'partial_with_r_code_inside'

Combine R with HAML

In HAML you can combine R and Ruby via the erb filter

  sql = '<%= SomeModel.select(:value).to_sql %>'
  data = dbGetQuery(connect(), sql)


Using RackR outside of Rails

require 'rack_r/middleware'
use RackR::Middleware, :config => 'path/to/config/rack-r.yml'

The RackR-Header

The RackR-Header is a piece of R code that gets prepended to every R script, which is processed by RackR. Ideally it will read your database config and provide a seperate connection to your database via a DBI compatible object. This is currently provided by a R function called connect.

If you want RackR to automatically connect R scripts to your Rails database it is a good idea to install Jeremy Stephens' YAML for R, as mentioned in Dependencies.

Additionally there is a function getPapertrail which takes a classname and an id, and retrieves previous versions of database entries (stored by the popular versioning library Papertrail) in form of a proper R dataframe.

The whole RackR-Header is a work in progress, if you have to adjust it to your database config and/or end up writing helper functions like getPapertrail, please consider to contribute your additions.


These instructions are for Debian Squeeze. Install R.

apt-get install r-base r-cran-dbi

Alternatively to dbi you can use the rodbc package.

apt-get install r-cran-rodbc 

Install additional packages from CRAN. Note: Only the latest version is available. Check CRAN for the latest version.


wget http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/yaml_2.1.4.tar.gz
R CMD INSTALL yaml_2.1.4.tar.gz


wget http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/RSQLite_0.11.1.tar.gz
R CMD INSTALL RSQLite_0.11.1.tar.gz


apt-get install r-cran-rmysql

Trouble shooting

Browse to /rack-r/ (including the trailing slash!) to see if RackR is working. If so it should respond with "RackR OK."

Patches and the like

If you run into bugs, have suggestions or patches feel free to drop me a line.


RackR is released under MIT License, see LICENSE.