Race Partner Registrations

Race Partner is a platform for registration, volunteer management, and marketing for road races and other endurance events.

racepartner.com enables users to browse the registrations for a given event.

Race Partner Entrance List Screen Shot

race_partner_registrations enables you to extract these registration lists.


The name and location are extracted from the entrance list.


$ gem install race_partner_registrations
$ irb
irb> require 'race_partner_registrations'
irb> url = "https://register.racepartner.com/falmouthroadrace/entrants"
irb> event = RacePartnerRegistrations::Event.new(url)

An event can be converted to a CSV.

irb> puts event.to_csv
Sean Devine,"Suffield, CT"

You can also download the registrations and iterate through them directly.

irb> event.download_registrations!
irb> registration = event.registrations.first
irb> registration.name
=> "Sean Devine"
irb> registration.location
=> "Suffield, CT"