
OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) Client


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rabbit_swift'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rabbit_swift


Set server information

   swift_conf = {
     auth_url: "https://ident-r1nd9999.cnode.jp/v2.0/tokens",
     tenantName: "1234567", // Conoha Swift V1
     tenantId: "1234567", // Conoha Swift V2
     username: "chino",
     password: "password",
     endPoint: "https://objectstore.node.jp/v1/77777777"

Get token

rabbit_swift_client = RabbitSwift::Client.new(swift_conf);
token = rabbit_swift_client.get_token

Upload File or Folder

dest_url = "https://objectstore-r1nd1111.cnode.jp/v1/XXXXXXXXXXX/container_name"
status = rabbit_swift_client.upload(token, dest_url, src_file_path)

Check Result

if (status == RabbitSwift::Client::UPLOAD_SUCCESS_HTTP_STATUS_CODE) 
    puts "upload success!"

Get Object

rabbit_swift_client.get_object(token, url) #save current directory
rabbit_swift_client.get_object(token, url, dest_path)

Support Static Large Object

SLO Object Download Support

rabbit_swift_client.get_object(token, slo_manifest_url) --> enable SLO object download

When upload object size 5GB over. Auto change mode SLO

rabbit_swift_client.upload(token, dest_url, 5GB_under_file.zip) --> normal upload
rabbit_swift_client.upload(token, dest_url, 5GB_over_file.zip) --> static large object upload

SLO Upload Flow

  1. split file
  2. upload split files
  3. create manifest json (to memory)
  4. upload manifest file
  5. delete split file

bin utils

List Container

bundle exec ruby -I./lib bin/container_list.rb -l /test -c ../chino/conf/conf.json

Get Object Client

bundle exec ruby -I./lib bin/get_object.rb -t /test/file.jpg -c ../chino/conf/conf.json
bundle exec ruby -I./lib bin/get_object.rb -t /test/file.jpg -d ./save_folder/ -c ../chino/conf/conf.json

SLO Upload Client

bundle exec ruby -I./lib bin/slo_client.rb -s ~/Downloads/test.zip -d /test -c ../chino/conf/conf.json -l 100MB


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/AKB428/rabbit_swift/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request