Apache Arrow 1.0 - A cross-language development platform for in-memory data

Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. You can use Apache Arrow to process large data effectively in Python and other languages such as R. Apache Arrow is the future of data processing. Apache Arrow 1.0, the first major version, was released at 2020-07-24. It’s a good time to know Apache Arrow and start using it.



CC BY-SA 4.0

Use the followings for notation of the author:

* Sutou Kouhei

CC BY-SA 4.0

Author: ClearCode Inc.

It is used in page header and some pages in the slide.

Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet logos

Apache License 2.0

Author: The Apache Software Foundation

File icon

CC BY 4.0

Author: Muhammad Yafinuha

Memory icon

CC BY 4.0

Author: Philip Sheffield

For author




rake publish

For viewers


gem install rabbit-slide-kou-scipy-japan-2020


rabbit rabbit-slide-kou-scipy-japan-2020.gem